Robel Fsiha, Spårvägen athletics club, won gold at the Terrain Championships in early December. A doping test submitted in November showed the presence of an unauthorized substance. Yesterday, the Athletics Association held a press conference.

- We can't tell you anything, there is preliminary investigation confidentiality. And the only one who can lift it is the practitioner, the one who is suspected, says Tommy Forsgren, a trustee on RF's doping commission.

Patrik Melin, the coach of Robel Fsiha, has made a written statement.

“I know many people want to hear what I have to say about Robel's positive drug test. Since I got the message, I have been shocked and felt very bad, ”writes Melin, who wants Fsiha to come home.

"Want to talk to him eye to eye"

“I have talked to Robel who wants to come home and bring the energy drinks and supplements he uses and get them analyzed. I also want him to come home. I want to be able to talk to him eye to eye for more answers. Lack of language means that it can be difficult to know if he understands my questions over the phone, ”he writes and continues:

"The only thing I know for sure today is that I am and have always been completely against doping and that I have done what I could to get Robel to be careful about what has got in itself."

Swedish European champion Robel Fsiha suspended for doping:

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Sweden's Robel Fsiha rejoices after winning SM gold during the Gothenburg shipyard on May 18, 2019 in Gothenburg. Photo: BILDBYRÅN