This weekend Frida Karlsson makes a comeback at the skiing game in Falun. Her competition ban has meant a major change to the past.

The amount of training has been kept to a minimum, and the public's light has been constantly focused on the talented cross-country's way back to the track.

- It feels great fun that she's back. But we are not in the goal for it - but continue to work together based on the needs that exist. We make the checks we deem necessary. Just like we do with other riders, national team physician Magnus Oscarsson tells SVT Sport.

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Frida Karlsson: "Full of endorphins and joy in the body" Photo: Bildbyrån

Is there something that has changed in your work because of this case?

- No not really. I still feel secure with the system we have and the job we do. Sometimes we have to take measures that are more noticeable and sometimes it is measures in the cloud that do not receive the same mass media interest. With this is the job we do all the time.

The limit determines when active stops

There have been many questions about why you didn't stop Frida earlier ...?

- We can't stop people from exercising and competing until a time when it becomes necessary. We cannot do checks every other day, but we do it based on what the need looks like.

- I don't think you can see what happened as a failure. Active riders are at different stages in their careers and encounter different problems and must get help with different parts in their elite sports day, says Magnus Oscarsson.

"It is clear that we have close contact now"

How do you make sure she doesn't get on the wrong side again?

- That said, we don't see the comeback as being in goal. We continue to control what is needed and help her with what she needs help with. Of course, we have extra control in this situation to secure it.

For example, does this mean more checks than before?

- It's not something I will go into in detail. But it is clear that we have close contact now.

How do you think about the amount of exercise, is it something that you are increasing successively for Frida?

- There is something discussing and balls all the time, which is optimal. Of course, it will increase gradually. It is also affected by when in the season it is. Right now they are not exercising as much as it is competition season so we have to wait and see.

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Frida Karlsson is making a comeback. Photo: Photo Agency