Roxana Maracineanu, February 3, 2020 at the Ministry of Sports. - Bertrand GUAY / AFP

Sports Minister Roxana Maracineanu said Tuesday "speechless" in the face of the attitude of the president of the French Federation of Ice Sports (FFSG) Didier Gailhaguet, in the midst of a scandal of sexual violence in skating.

On Monday, Maracineanu asked the powerful boss of French skating to resign, five days after the accusations of rape and sexual assault of several ex-skaters against their coaches, including former champion Sarah Abitbol. But Gailhaguet replied Tuesday evening after the holding of an extraordinary executive office of the FFSG that he would not take a decision on a possible resignation before the end of the inspection announced the day before by the Minister of Sports.

“I am a little speechless in front of this gentleman whom I met for an hour two days ago and who spent half the time defending himself. At no time did he say before me what his vision was with regard to this problem that affects his federation, ”deplored Roxana Maracineanu at the microphone of“ Quatre Vérités ”on France 2.

“We have to see today how to respond to this scourge. If this gentleman is more interested in his job, (...) it just strikes me as amazing, ”she insisted. The minister also repeated her threat to withdraw the state delegation to the FFSG. “To initiate this procedure of withdrawal of delegation is also to counter this behavior. If he wants to stay at the head of this association that is today the (French) Federation of ice sports, let him do it, but it will no longer be the future federation of ice sports ”, she warned.

Gailhaguet must hold a press conference Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the headquarters of the federation during which he promised revelations, "documents" in support.


Sexual violence in skating: "I cannot condone that", four members of the executive committee resign


Sexual violence in skating: Why “the emperor” Didier Gailhaguet will not (probably) resign

  • Sexual violence
  • Sarah Abitbol case
  • Sport
  • Skating