It is important to give oneself the best possible conditions. If you are going to go down to the Åreskutan pizza box, you will wear a helmet.
If you are going to Vasa race you have skis and not lunch trays underfoot.
And to be a little more serious; If you are going to participate in the Tokyo Olympics, make sure you keep your body clean, for example from anabolic steroids.

Not being able to keep track of his water bottle during an Olympic year and claim that "someone who has been in the room when I have been doing this" does not hold.

In the case of Therese Johaug, we were many on our side of the border who had difficulty accepting what was called mistake-doping. There are reasons why, for example, Carolina Klüft and Gunde Svan were extremely careful to keep track of what they drank and ate - it was part of the plan to give themselves the greatest opportunity to succeed.
And do not let outsiders influence.

"The amount of illicit substance is unattractive"

We do not yet know if Jenny Fransson has doped, consciously or by mistake. It is fact and important to remember.
A b-test can free her completely.

However, we can expect the b-test to confirm the suspicion that she received a heavy drug called methyltestosterone, which is not naturally found in any known drug in Sweden, according to Swedish Anti-Doping.
To get hold of methyltestosterone, one must go out into the black market.

It is said that the levels of Fransson's anabolic steroid are low. But the amount of illicit substance feels uninteresting in each case. Each time.

“Strikes the hardest against Fransson himself”

We must await further investigation before we have all the answers. But the news bomb about Fransson's first doping results hits hard on Swedish sports just six months before the Olympics.
It strikes hardest against wrestling sports, in the constant shadow of Tomas Johansson's recognition of conscious doping.

Johansson got a second chance and was hailed after being shut down with both Bragdguld and Jerringpris, something that feels very strange today. In the case of Fransson, the career is, with all certainty, over whether it will be a convict and a longer suspension.
So, of course, the revelation strikes hard against Jenny Fransson herself, who is probably in a mentally free case right now.

No matter how the banned substance ended up in her body, I hope she has a good team that captures her case. In the end, what has become known is a personal tragedy, regardless of the outcome.

When it comes to Fransson's fantastic career, it suddenly feels like just a nightmare trip, carrying the Åreskutan, hard and merciless, with a likely crash landing when everything is over.

Sayonara, Tokyo.