KBO's survey of Lee Jang-seok's in-depth management rally is expected to be completed this week. It has been three months since the Commission of Investigation, which consists of outside personnel such as lawyers, former police officers, and accountants, began its activities. This prolonged investigation of a single case has not been done since the launch of professional baseball. The KBO Investigation Committee is known to have been struggling because it is a major and complex issue that could make major changes in the future. When the investigating committee submits a report of the results, the penalty committee decides the level of disciplinary action against those involved. In addition, KBO is also interested in introducing a separate plan to fundamentally block Lee's management intervention. This is because KBO missed the first opportunity to deport Lee Jang Suk practically two years ago.

● KBO missed first opportunity two years ago

Lee Jang-suk was sentenced to four years in prison and sentenced to court in February 2018. The fraudulent sinner who did not give 40% of his share to Hong Kong was already familiar with baseball fans, but the other charges the court found guilty were shocking. They misappropriated large amounts of club money in a variety of ways, including fraudulent transactions, withdrawing rental deposits, and 'gift vouchers'. The court ruled that Mr. Jang Seok took out 4.8 billion won from the heroes' club.

The crime that owners have taken out of their clubs and filled my pockets is unprecedented in professional baseball. It is very rare for incumbent professional baseball players, including athletes, to be sentenced to prison and locked up in prison. The 'competition manipulators' who rocked the world, including Park Hyun-joon, Kim Seong-hyun, Lee Sun-ra and Moon Woo-ram, were all sentenced to probation. KBO dismissed all of these players and dismissed them from baseball. Lee's sin was far more serious than these. Naturally, the sanctions of KBO against Lee Jang Seok had to be more firm.

In November 2018, KBO's permanent disqualification against Lee Jang-suk and the `` No Management Intervention '' measures seemed strong on the surface. But if you think about it, the limits were clear. There was no device to enforce the action and monitor it. Lee Jang-seok, who was imprisoned, was able to control the club as much as possible through his closest members who still dominate the club.
Representatives include Park Jun-sang, former CEO, and advisory lawyers. Park Joon-sang, who has been the CEO of Heroes since 2018, is known as a senior junior who has served as a mentor of life since Lee Jang-suk was in the consulting industry. Mr. Sang-soo Sang has been associated with Lee Jang-seok since 2014, when he worked for a large law firm, and the relationship was deepened enough to come to Heroes. After that, he moved to a small law firm, where he was in charge of Lee Jang-seok and Heroes. Mr. Lee's confidence in the lawyer was absolute. Heroes executives said Lee Jang-suk's chief executive was the Im lawyer, not Park. In fact, lawyer Lim Jang-seok went to visit Seoul every day while he was in Seoul detention center, reported the club's situation, received instructions and instructed the team, and even after moving to Sangju Prison, he was often visited. Lim tried to register as a director representing Heroes at KBOP, a marketing agency for KBO in April of last year, but was also restrained by KBO. (KBOP Board of Directors consists of one director per team, usually headed by the director or marketing team)

Common sense. Will Park and Lee, the closest associates of Lee Jang-seok, manage the club independently from Lee? KBO's "Permanent Disqualification-Prohibition of In-Place Management" approached the beginning of the question rather than solving the problem. It took less than a year for the concern to become a reality.

● The behavior of aides whose team money was the same as Lee Jang-suk

The fact of the management of Heroes' club reported by various media since September last year was shocking. Representative Park Jun-sang and lawyer Sang-soo Lim managed the club based on the will of Lee Jang-seok. The details of the team's operation, including sponsor contracts, team management, and personnel greetings, were reported to Lee and approved by Lee. Many team members who have worked under them reported the situation of the team to Lee Jang-seok and received instructions. Park Joon-sang's upbringing, reported on the recording file, reveals how funny they were in KBO's orders.

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What was even more amazing was the incomprehensible sum they received from the club. Park's annual salary of 500 million won and a monthly construction cost of 20 million won were by far the highest in the industry. The lawyer received an average of more than 60 million won in legal advice from the club. It took more money each month than the other nine clubs' annual legal costs. Squad treatment was the worst in the league, and Lee's closest parties had a feast of money.

Recently, there was also suspicion that Mr. Lee took several personal cases while Lee was an advisor to the club. (SBS asked the reason for the appointment based on the materials obtained, but Mr. Lim denied that he had not taken some cases.) Most of Lee's personal cases that seemed to have been taken were related to the Heroes. Lee Jang-seok is a criminal who damages the Heroes by stealing a large amount of club money. The club's lawyer has defended the criminals who caused the club's damage. In March 2018, Lim sent a memorandum to the Heroes, stating that he would not take a personal case of Lee Jang-seok, which conflicts with the club's interests. Later, Mr. Lim did not answer the SBS's question about why he wrote a memorandum contrary to the action. It also did not answer whether the above facts were reported to the current management.

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Two reasonable questions arise here.
1. Did they secretly collect the money of the company owned by their lord, Lee Jang-seok? Is this money flow unrelated to Lee?
In order to answer this question, compulsory investigation by investigating authorities is essential. In addition to the evidence found by the KBO during the investigation, this is why they must be filed with the authorities.

2. Is He Min-ha Song, recruited by Lee's closest associates, a 'heroes management watcher'?
Did the people who wanted to pick up and take the club's money and ignore the league's orders attracted people to watch them strictly? The behavior of Humin Humme founder and Ha Song-hyun, who entered the Heroes, deepens this suspicion.

● Humin-Hasong Combi: At least an assistant, perhaps a 'agent'

In fact, Lee's closest behaviour could be revealed or prevented earlier. In January last year, the court accepted a minority shareholder's request for disposable action to hold a general shareholders' meeting to appoint an audit of Heroes. Heroes' audit positions were empty for nearly two years. One Heroes employee said, "Nobody wanted to take it." Auditors are legally liable for knowing and covering management misconduct. It would have been dangerous to take on the thanksgiving of the heroes, full of corruption by Lee Jang-seok and his aides.

Heroes, who had to comply with a court decision, convened a general meeting of shareholders in March last year to elect an auditor. And another trick. An hour later, the senior auditor general was opened. The shareholders' meeting of shareholders has, of course, been made at the will of Lee Jang-suk, who holds 67% of the shares. In other words, Lee Jang-seok clearly expressed his intention that he would never accept the seniority of auditing, that is, he would never see the inside of the company.

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When the KBO learned of this, he asked Heroes to explain how. Here, the Heroes team offers an unexpected solution. It is intended to enhance management transparency by eliminating audit positions where the positions of Lee and other shareholders are in conflict, and by establishing an audit committee composed of outside directors. The audit committee consisted of founder Hemin Wemef, who was appointed as an outside director in December 2018, Ha Geun Choi, and one lawyer who appeared as an outside director in August 2018. In fact, Mr. Humin took over the audit function.
The audit committee could have been a solution if it functioned properly. The problem was the relationship between 'Humin-Hasong Combi' and 'Lee Jang-seok's aides'. The Heroes Board, which held Humin as chairman of the board in December 2018, consisted of Park's CEO, Go Hyung-wook and Park Jong-deok's management team. In other words, Lee Jang-suk was in control of the board. Will Humin-Harsong Combi lead the board to monitor and prevent Lee? Will the audit committee created by Huh Min-Ha Song play my role? Perhaps they are 'face madame' to create the image that the club management is normalizing.

Their behavior has since reinforced these allegations. The audit committee, which was established in March, did not take any practical action until September on the issue of over-payment of CEO Park Sang-sang and excessive legal consulting fees of the lawyer. At the time of the transfer, the chairman of the audit committee insisted that the SBS inquired, "I thought that the lawyer's consulting fees were excessive. But even afterwards, the money the clinical lawyer took was no different. Regarding the 'in-house management' suspicion, he insisted, "I did not take any action because I doubted it, but there was no clear evidence." However, according to the recording file reported by SBS and other media, Ha Song seems to have already grasped the fact that the club is operating according to Lee Jang-suk's will. In other words, the Heomin-Hasong combination seems to have neglected Lee Jang-seok's in-depth management and his team's closest friends.
They left their role in the 'playing role of the owner'. Hemin started his first practice at Spring Camp and appeared in the 2nd field and played baseball with the Squad. The management situation is being used as an excuse for taking over the club. He gave a hard time without giving clarification opportunities to director Jang Jeong-seok and appointed him to his manager, Sohn Hyuk. Another person, Mr. Humin's baseball tutor, was newly appointed as a coaching staff. Vice President Lim Eun-ju, who was a whistleblower, was suspended as a participant in the in-house management. Employees, who were more likely to visit Lee Jang-seok during the Heroes' own investigation and the KBO's survey, are more likely to hold their positions. (Song Hyuk is a proven leader capable of holding the professional baseball team's baton, so Son is also a victim of this situation.)

Hemin-hasong's behavior is worthy of accepting only one assumption. There was some sort of agreement on Lee Jang-suk with management rights. In fact, the KBO Investigative Commission has reportedly secured some statements.

● Can KBO escape from 'Jang Jang's Bridle'?

It is a disaster for all Korean baseball teams that Seoul's leading teams, including Park Byeong-ho, Lee Jung-hoo, Kim Ha-sung and Jo Sang-woo, are playing in the swamp called 'Lee Jang-seok'. KBO should suggest how Heroes can get out of 'Jang Jang's bridle' this time. The punishment for Lee Jang-seok's aides who started the 'in-house management system' and privatized the club, Humin-ha-song, who seemed to neglect their behavior and actually held hands, and the team's employees who guiltyly participated in the 'in-house management system' Not enough There is a real need for Lee to leave baseball. Of course it is not easy. In the light of Lee's `` legal behavior '', which has so far ignored the court ruling, it is very unlikely that he will follow the KBO's instructions. I hope the three months of the KBO Investigative Committee were enough to find the trick.