Chicken wings, pubs and show ... What you didn't know about the Super Bowl - 20 Minutes

There is frankly no equivalent in France. In the United States, the Super Bowl, the final of the American Football League (NFL), is a bit like a World Cup final where the Blues would play at home, except that it is every year. And it is this night, from 12:30 am if you are on the French time beam. And, inevitably, with an extraordinary event like this, the numbers and the anecdotes are just as much.

Food, ticket prices and backstage at the half-time concert… there's plenty to do. 20 Minutes returns with you on five facts that you do not suspect on one of the biggest sporting events of the year across the Atlantic. If you don't know much about American football, don't worry. The content of this video does not speak of touchdown or wide receiver. And if you ever decided to watch this 54th edition of the Super Bowl with family or friends, you will now have something to shine with those around you.


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  • nfl
  • Sport
  • United States
  • Super Bowl
  • Football