Ajman Club announced that it will not enter into any new deals during the winter transfer window that is closing its doors today.

Ajman coach, Egyptian Ayman Al-Masry, said he wanted to sign a single player, but due to the high prices of players, this matter was dismissed.

He added in press statements: "We put more than one player in the nominations circle, but the financial compensation for them was high, and outside the club's contractual policy, so we preferred not to bring any new deals, as long as they will not have a place in the starting lineup."

Last October, Ajman signed a contract with Cameroonian Sebastian Ciani to support the midfield center, as an alternative to Mali Hamid Doumbia, who was excluded because of the injury.

"We have high-level players, and we find in them the ability to continue our career in the league as planned," Ramadi said.