The NBA Association announced a new system for the upcoming version of the "All Stars" festival, in honor of the late Kobe Bryant, the former star of the Los Angeles Lakers, who died a few days ago after a helicopter crash.

The League revealed the day before yesterday, about the new system for the all-star match scheduled in Chicago on the 16th of this year, and stipulates that each of the first three quarters of the match will start like a new match, as the result will indicate a tie between the two teams zero / zero. In the last quarter, a time limit will not be set, but will be decided by a specific result.

The result is that either team reaches a number of points equivalent to the total number of points of the advanced team during the first three quarters, plus 24 points.

The association explained that, for example, if the advanced team scored during the first three quarters 100 points, the team that first reaches through the last quarter to point 124 will be the winner of the match.

Thus, the team advancing in the total result of the first three quarters will have to score 24 points to settle the game in its favor.

As for the other team, it will be required to score 24 points, in addition to the difference in points that it lagged during the first three quarters, in order to be considered a winner of the match. It should be noted that "24" is the number that Bryant's shirt held during the last 10 seasons of his career.

At least $ 500,000 will be donated to organizations in Chicago that are chosen by the leaders of the All-Star Match teams, namely Giannis Antitoconempo of Milwaukee Bucks, and LeBron James of the Lakers.

- The system requires that there be a difference of "24 points".

It is the number of the late Bryant shirt, determined to win the All-Star Game.