Sumo Association Director Candidate Election Isegahama returns to voteless for the first time in six terms January 30 13:35

In the election to select a new director candidate of the Japan Sumo Association, candidates for the candidate were notified on the 30th and no votes were voted for the first time in six terms because only 10 people were running for the capacity. Eight incumbents, including Chairman Octagon, were elected, and Isegahama, who resigned as a director in the wake of an injury involving former Yokozuna Himafuji, has returned.

In the candidate election of the Japan Sumo Wrestling Association, which is held once every two years, candidates for the sumo wrestling association were notified from 11:00 am on the 30th.

The candidates were adjusted in advance for each of the five groups, called gangs, which were set up in a close-knit sumo room, and the total number of winners was determined because the capacity was just 10 people.

The winners were three incumbents from Dewa Umimon, Kasugano Kokata, Dewa Umakata, and Sakaikawa Makata, three instructors from Nishonoseki, incumbent tailors and Shibatayama, and a newcomer Hanago Basket, and Takasago from Octagon. Chairman Tomotsu Kazemon to incumbent Kagami Yamagata and Isegahama Ichimon are a total of ten members, including former incumbent Takashima and former director Isegahama.

Mr. Isegahama has returned since he resigned as a director three years ago in December on the issue of the injury of former Yokozuna Himafuji.

In addition, three vice-candidate candidates were also notified, with just the maximum number of seats, and current incumbent Fujishima and newcomers Wakamatsu and Takadagawa were elected.

It is the first time in six terms that there will be no vote in the director candidate election, including the director election before becoming a public interest incorporated foundation.

The elected master will be nominated as a candidate for board of directors and will be nominated by the council scheduled for the spring of March, where it will be elected and officially appointed as a new board member.

As a result, the current system will be almost maintained, and as scandals such as violence continue, a question will be asked as to whether the Sumo Association can strengthen its recurrence prevention efforts, led by its directors.