The hexagon world champion of the Formula 1 racing cars, and the driver of the British Mercedes Mercedes team Lewis Hamilton, is preparing to play his first cinematic roles, after the British, and on his official account on the site "Instagram," posted a video clip, as he trained in archery in a field in Los Angeles The American is the same person who took part in the training of the famous actor Keanu Reeves when he starred in his movie "John Wake" in the action and action films series.

Hamilton commented on the video he posted on his official account, saying: "I've always liked action films, and I never imagined I would ever be in such a place where Keanu Reeves trained to shoot a pistol," adding: "I came here to start training on My first movie role, which is only my first day, and the fun was super after my mother spent a few hours in a safe professional environment. "

Lewis Hamilton is one of the most successful drivers in history in the world championship Grand Prix "Formula 1", and Hamilton, crowned six times champion for the year between 2008 and 2019, is known for his controversial life and his multiple projects outside the racing tracks, and among those projects, he entered the world of fashion, music, before To finally complete it in the transition to the world of cinema.