Basketball Play at U.S. University Join the Teves Sea B League Utsunomiya January 10 19:39

A 21-year-old Tabes Sea player who played in the NCAA 1st division, which is part of a major US college basketball school, has joined B-League Utsunomiya Brex.

Taeves, a 21-year-old born in Hyogo Prefecture, moved to the United States five years ago while playing at a high school in Tokyo.

As a point guard serving as the team's commander, he played as a starter last season, despite being a freshman, and finished second in the NCAA Division 1 with an average number of assists per game.

With a height of 1 meter and 88 centimeters, he is the tallest Japanese player in this position. He has already been invited to the Japanese national team and is expected to be the central player of the future national team.

Taeves has left U.S. colleges and has signed a contract with Utsunomiya Brex on the 10th to join the team.

"I wanted to learn a lot from the teammates of the Hundred Battles and decided to play at Utsunomiya Brex. I'm looking forward to fighting together," said Taeves.

Taeves will have a joining conference at Tochigi Prefectural Office on the 14th.