In Planica, Linn Svahn was on his way to another top spot in sprint. But after croaking in Stina Nilsson, she fell, and instead it was a Svahn who slowly got into the goal with dark eyes. And that particular finish was something that went viral.

- I was cursed. I was really angry. The cliffs probably reflect very well what I felt every now and then. But if you have managed to become a meme, you still have to be satisfied, ”she tells SVT Sport.

There was a big difference between Linn Svahn in Planica and when she won the sprint in Davos the week before. And the 19-year-old talent wants to make sure that the Svahn who appeared in Planica does not show up often.

- I try to win so often that that side doesn't have to be seen. It is somehow important to be able to balance that with being disappointed and angry. At the same time, you have to have respect for competitors, but I am probably a very happy winner and angry loser.

But after all, it is not true that in Planica she suffered her worst loss. It came on a whole different level.

- The worst thing was when I lost some race to my little brother. Then it has not been house peace.

Something behind the great frustration when she loses is her goal, where it is not enough to be good.

- I have a pretty high belief in myself, and want a lot. I've always had the attitude that not only do I want to be good, I want to be best. And then you have to work really hard.