Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee started work Chairman Mori "Working to fulfill responsibility" January 6 15:35

The opening of the Tokyo Olympics is just 200 days in 6 days. On the 6th day of his job at the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Mr. Mori called on employees to "work with pride, joy and responsibility."

The Organizing Committee will begin work on the 6th, except for some staff who participated in the test tournament at the Emperor's Cup at the National Stadium on the first day.

Mr. Mori greeted about 400 staff members at the Organizing Committee in Koto-ku, Tokyo, saying, "Today the Olympic Games will begin 200 days. I think we have decided again and we have entered a new year. It is responsible for running the tournament, such as creating a stadium and carrying players and customers smoothly. "

Mr. Mori also touched on international affairs, including the issues of the United States and North Korea. “I feel that there are many international problems. The Olympics cannot be opened unless the world is peaceful. It is important to understand and believe that what was said to be a great and interesting tournament has great international significance. "

He said, "You have pride and joy in the work of the Olympics, and you want to be aware of it and fulfill your responsibilities.

The Organizing Committee has 3,344 staff members as of the 6th, and is expected to have about 8,000 officials in the event.

Mori and other members of the organizing committee visit shrines wishing for success

On the morning of March 6, Mori and other executives from the Organizing Committee visited a shrine in Koto-ku, where the office of the Organizing Committee was located.

Mori and his colleagues entered the main shrine of the shrine and offered a ball to pray for the success of the tournament.

Following the visit, Mr. Mori, interviewed by the press, said, `` The Olympics and Paralympic Games are going well without any problems, the opening ceremony will be open, and more than 3,000 Organizing Committee officials will not be sick or injured. I asked for it. "