The shocking and unexpected drop in the level of German star Messaoud Ozil was Arsenal midfielder this season, but only in three games did coach Mikel Arteta restore Ozil the real and his usual level, so what did the Spanish coach do?

Arteta applied the rules and regulations to the player to prevent him from repeating the mistakes of the past that brought him to this situation, and warned him that if he did not improve his level and commit to training he would not play with the team jersey again.

"I will choose Ozil in the squad when I see him working daily, hard, effort, desire and understanding of what we want to do, and when he does not fulfill what is required of him, he will not play again," says Arteta.

It seemed that the fans who were attacking him felt that the player wanted to restore his level and work hard, which is why when he was replaced in the Chelsea match last week (which ended with a difficult victory for the Blues 2-1) and stood up to him in respect and applauded him for his performance and effort.

Ozil (31 years) - in Arsenal's victory over Manchester United yesterday with two goals without reply - presented a distinguished level on the offensive and defensive levels.

"I am not surprised by Masoud's performance because I know his capabilities well ... but the system must help him to extract all his capabilities, he cannot do it alone, only two or three players in the world are able Do it. "

"I am trying to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and at this point Masoud will be effective," said the coach, who is confident Ozil will contribute effectively to the return of artillery to the victories.

He also said, "I hope that he maintains his level because we play a game every three or four days. He exerts a great effort and gives all that he has, he improves a lot on the physical level and this is confirmed by the figures, he trains daily and this reflects his improvement in his level."

On Ozil's level of facing the "maneu", former Man Utd captain Rio Ferdinand said, "I look at Ozil's improvement and his performance, this is the first time I see him laughing 18 months ago, and this is because he is comfortable in training and on the psychological level."

It appears that the first artillery victory under Artita will not only give an incentive to Ozil to rediscover himself, but for the players who have struggled to present a new image of the most ancient English teams in history.