Intransigent opponent and unpleasant memory

The group stage of the youth world championships turned out to be extremely mixed for the Russian team. On the one hand, Valery Bragin's squad won a historic victory over Canada (6-0), on the other hand, lost to the Czech Republic and the USA. After that, the team was on the verge of not getting into the playoffs, gathered and defeated Germany in the decisive match - 6: 1.

It seemed that the third place in the group would provide the domestic team with a meeting with a top rival in the quarterfinals, but Russia unexpectedly hit Switzerland. The Alpines in the last round beat the current champion of the MCHM Finland and took second place in group A.

Confrontation with the wards Thierry Paterlini many fans took with enthusiasm, but the youth team coach Igor Larionov warned the wards from underestimating the opponent.

“We think a lot, the main thing now is not to forget what they did with our Olympic team two weeks ago. Do you know the score? 2: 7. We recall how they somewhat humiliated our older brothers, this will be the best motivation, ”said Larionov.

“They went through the points that we expect from the Swiss when playing in attack and defense, they worked in the majority. The fighting spirit. The result depends on each of the 22 people who enter the game. Each unit is very important. And discipline, discipline, and again discipline. That is, without deletions, ”- quotes the words of the Championship specialist.

And on the example of the same match with the Finns, the Swiss showed that they are a strong team that can give battle to an opponent of any level. At the group stage, the Alpines won two more victories - over Kazakhstan (5: 3) and Slovakia (7: 2). But the Swedes were too tough for them (2: 5).

But if we take the general statistics of the confrontation between Russia and Switzerland at the MFM, then Bragin's team could be called a clear favorite. In 18 matches in these tournaments, the domestic team won 15 wins with two draws and one defeat. And it, which is symbolic, was in the quarter-final match of the 2010 World Cup. Then the Russians with Vladimir Tarasenko, Nikita Zaitsev and Evgeny Kuznetsov lost in overtime - 2: 3 and flew out of the tournament. Switzerland in the semifinals conceded six goals from Canada, and in the match for third place - 11 from Sweden.

Fans could only hope that after ten years this would not happen again with the Russian national team, all the more so as it approached the standoff in an ideal composition. A forward who missed a meeting with Germany returned due to disqualification, forward Nikita Rtishchev. As for the goalkeeper position, then it was again taken by 17-year-old Yaroslav Askarov.

Russian pressure and a minimum of moments

From the first minutes of the quarterfinal match, it became obvious that the Swiss did not intend to get into trouble. They gave the puck to a nominal favorite and began to calmly defend themselves. And it was very difficult for Bragin's wards to go through the defensive ranks, because the Paterlini team left a minimum of free space.

Moreover, it was Switzerland that created the first dangerous moment in the match. Askarov repelled a throw from the port side in front of him, but he showed miracles of reaction and trapped the puck after finishing Tim Bernie point blank.

Immediately, Russia responded with its moment. The opponent remained in the minority, and Cyril Marchenko during one of the attacks checked the opponent’s goal post on the fortress. Almost immediately, the first team earned the first removal, but the Swiss were unable to extract anything from it.

Closer to the break, the Russian advantage became more apparent. They increased pressure and improved shot statistics. Only here, there were still very few chances.

Two goals in the majority and a failure in the middle of the period

But the second period began for the Russian team can not imagine better. No sooner had the team returned to the ice, as the Swiss earned an optional removal for violation of the numerical strength. And the domestic team immediately punished them for this. Prior to that, the Alpines, unstable on the nickel, lost Dmitry Voronkov, and he calmly sent the puck into the net after the perfect transfer of George Denisenko.

Following the Russians created a few more dangerous moments. It seemed that in the future they would not have any problems. However, the team relaxed too soon. First, Yegor Zamula earned the removal, and then Bragin's wards, having successfully played in the minority, literally presented the puck to Gaetan Zhoben at his goal, and he shot Askarov on the second attempt.

Fortunately, the second half of the period still remained with the Russian team. Five minutes before the end, Denisenko was noted by another magnificent program, which was a sin not to use, and Alexander Khovanov again took the national team forward.

And just before the break, the Russians managed to realize the majority for the second time. This time, Khovanov led to the throw of Voronkov. So Dmitry scored twice, although before that he scored only one goal in the tournament.

Patience of Russia and despair of the opponent

In the final period, the Swiss national team struggled to return to the game, but the Russians acted generally calmly and restrained the opponent’s attacks. Perhaps the most difficult segment for Bragin's wards came at the beginning of the 20-minute, when Vasily Podkolzin and Ilya Kruglov received deletions one after another. Fortunately, the national team managed to survive in this situation.

And three minutes and 11 seconds before the final siren, Paterlini took a time-out and went all-in: released the sixth field player onto the ice instead of Hollenstein. After that, the Swiss, of course, took possession of the puck and besieged Askarov’s goal, but could not create truly dangerous moments.

Everything finally became clear a minute and 47 seconds before the end, when Tim Burney at the cost of a foul stopped Kruglov's breakthrough and received a small disciplinary penalty for this. Alpines could no longer perform a miracle in such a situation.

Thus, Bragin's wards, although not without their lost nerves, got a ticket to the semifinals. For most of the meeting, the Russians clearly dominated, and failed only in the middle of the second period, when they conceded a single goal. Fortunately, they managed to quickly recover and with two accurate throws to actually finish the game.

It is gratifying that the national team again successfully played in incomplete compositions and scored two goals in the majority. Moreover, as already mentioned, in both cases, Voronkov distinguished himself. Semifinal awaits Russia ahead, but potential rivals are still unknown. They will be determined only after a special draw.