Sandin got an ugly slashing over the wrist in the final minutes of the New Year's Eve group finale against Slovakia, Swedish victory with 6–2, by Martin Fasko-Rudas.

An X-ray at Trinec Hospital showed that nothing was broken and on New Year's Day he was officially given the green light by Ryan Allenby. When Sandin was reported again, the doctor became angry.

- They know he got a hit there in the last game and plays some pig hockey; they tried to slash him all the time. We just have to cool it down a bit, says national team doctor Ryan Allenby

You feel like they're trying to slash him all the time?

- Yes a little grand, it's a bit their tactics what it looks like

How does it affect Rasmus to play with a chilled wrist?

- He is a professional player and manages it well. Let's just try to protect ourselves.

SVT Sports expert Mikael Renberg toned down Allenby's charges.

- It is clear that they can know about the damage but it is part of the ice hockey to play with cold between the swaps. He has a sore wrist but I do not think it is a very serious injury because then he would not play. It's part of the hockey to cool down and then go out and play again, says Renberg.