Laia Sanz (December 11, 1985, Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona) prepares to take part in her tenth Dakar, commanding her KTM. For many years, he has fought to break into an eminently masculine world and has achieved great results. A fight that, in this edition, leaves South American lands to immerse themselves in a traditionally hostile environment for women: Saudi Arabia.

Does running in Saudi Arabia, taking into account the situation of women in the country and the machismo that, on occasion, has affected the motor world, is it a step back? When it was announced, I was surprised, because, for example, we know that women have been driving there for only two years, and it’s shocking. But I also believe that the fact that there are competitive women in the race can somehow help to open up the mentalities. And at the sports level, the country can also give a lot, and that is positive for the race.Is it, then, more important than ever to achieve a good classification in the test? I always press myself, but not because of the fact Let it be there I want more. I think it will be a different Dakar, a little more old-fashioned. If there is more navigation, if more things happen, perhaps it will give me more options to make a good career. Anna Muzychuk gave up defending her two titles as world chess champion at the end of 2017, in Riyadh, as a protest for the treatment of Women in Saudi Arabia. Did you ever consider not going to this edition of the Dakar? I did not consider not going to the Dakar, because, in the end, it is our job, and there are many people who, if they have to go for professional issues, go. It is the race of the year for us and we also have no option to do it elsewhere. In addition, I believe that the fact that there are women running in such a world of men can be positive in every way. The Spanish Supercup of football will also be played in Saudi Arabia and a lot of controversy was generated by this fact. Has that put the Dakar a little more in the eye of the hurricane? Actually, I think there is a lot of talk about everything and, in the end, it will be a Dakar in which we will forget where we are. We go there to compete. It is clear that we would like everything to be like here, but for now it is not, and if we can make everything change a little, welcome will be. Last year he participated with the forces very depleted by a series of problems. How do you face the race this year? I face it much better, really. Last year there was a lot of uncertainty, I was 15 days away from the Dakar and I didn't really know if I could leave or not ... Maybe we don't value what we have until we lose it, and not feeling well is very complicated. What do you think the change of scenery of the Dakar? The Dakar in South America has given a lot, but it had already reached its limit a bit. Saudi Arabia has a very large extension, I think there will be stages for all tastes, and that is very positive. The ASO, in addition, is very motivated to do good stages, with navigation ... In the end, I see everything in a positive way. It will be its tenth Dakar. Do you find it impossible to resist the call of the desert? Sometimes you wonder what the hell you do there or why you play life in this way, but, in the end, it has something that pushes us all to return. When you return here, after one month you are already thinking about the next one. The Dakar is like a drug. How long have you been taking part in this race? I don't know. I hope I can do it a few more years by motorcycle and then I can also compete by car. That would mean extending my career a little longer, but I don't know. If they had told me years ago, after my first Dakar, that I would now be here, with an official team and having achieved what I have achieved, I would not believe it in any way. In the end, it's about going from year to year. What do you think of Fernando Alonso's participation? The Dakar is a very media race, but it's not easy. Pilots like Loeb or Sainz cost a lot the first year. How did you visualize this race? I imagine a very tough Dakar. Normally, on the first day a small prologue was made and this time we will start directly with a 320-kilometer stage of navigation, they say. That shows that it will be a very long, very hard race, in which many things will happen. What final goal would you like to achieve? Because of my liking, I would like to finish in the top 10 classified, but I know it is complicated. A lot of things would have to happen in my favor and it is very difficult. I try to be realistic and I know that entering the top 15 is not an easy task, but I think it is possible. The last few years I have been making it, why can't I repeat it in Arabia?

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