For the second time in a row, the same three girls became winners of the Russian Figure Skating Championship among women. Anna Shcherbakova won a second victory with an incredible score of 261.87 points. Alena Kostornaya climbed to second place, losing only two points to a friend in the training group. Aleksandra Trusova, due to two falls and a torn fourth sheepskin coat, could not impose a struggle and became the third.

Of all the medalists, only Shcherbakova was satisfied with her rental.

“I can say that I am very pleased with my rental. I got almost everything conceived. There were some shortcomings, but on the whole today I managed. I am very glad that I was selected for the main starts of the season, ”said Shcherbakova.

In addition, she told how she intends to improve her programs.

“Of course, we work out everything every day a lot of times in training, especially so that there are no incomprehensible situations in the competition. We try to do everything very accurately, as in training. For the second time in a row, I finished a little earlier than the music and took another step on the spin. In general, everything is practiced in training. It is undesirable to do something superfluous, but it happens. I will now work more on the triple axel. I’ll try to make it and insert it into my programs, ”the Russian champion said.

Trusova in the first seconds after the rental cried, but when talking with reporters, she was already habitually smiling.

“I'm not happy with my rental. Will work. I hope that it works out next time, ”Trusova said.

She also told what jump she would try to learn by the end of the season and why she was under pressure at the Russian championship.

“I only had four Rittberger, I will do it at the end of the season. I traditionally close the championship of Russia, for me it is a lot of pressure, because I do not like to ride last, but always have to. Well, there was excitement about the selection. I hope to keep the tradition of winning the world championship. In the Grand Prix finals, I was not too upset, because I completed the jumps that I recently learned and that worked well. Here I am very upset, because I skated very well in training and had a good workout. It is very disappointing that it did not work out at the box office. But now the disorder has passed, ”Trusova admitted.

Kostornaya at a press conference admitted that they were disappointed with the results.

“Next time I will try a lot better. This is not the rental that I would like to show. But I will work, I hope that I will no longer be dissatisfied with my rentals, ”said Kostornaya.

Kostornaya answered a clarifying question, what exactly was she unhappy after her speech, which received very high marks, and also expressed her attitude to a possible performance under a neutral flag at the World Cup.

“The issue with the removal of Russia has not yet been resolved, all the results are still unknown. There will be another appeal. As for his rental, she is unhappy with the double axel and the cascade that went first in the second half. These were not the jumps that I can do, ”said Kostornaya.

The fourth place after the skaters Tutberidze was taken by Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who fell while trying to perform the fourth toe loop for the first time. The skater admitted that she was not upset because of such a result, since she had lost to worthy rivals.

“Fourth place is not a disappointment. Here, following the three outstanding athletes, it is very nice. For the first time in recent years, I have fourth place. Usually I was lower, so I'm glad anyway. I’m glad that I went to the quad. Still, I am pleased with the result and the skating, that it all ended so. This rental was not entirely successful, there were many blots. I considered the option that a quadruple sheepskin coat will not work, but you still need to survive, roll and fight to the end. That’s exactly what I did. It was important for me that after a failure I can still roll normally. Coach Alexei Mishin praised me, said that he was pleased with me and that I was well done. He did not understand what I did at the end with the Rittberger, for the first time in my life this was. Today it was, frankly, not easy to ride, ”said Tuktamysheva.