Östersunds FK does not humiliate with its positive attitude - this despite the license committee's decision, from November 27, not to grant the football club's elite license for 2020.

There is reason to believe that the second highest authority, the Swedish Football Association's Board of Appeal, will land in a different conclusion, according to ÖFK's Press Manager Niclas Lidström.

- We have always been optimistic because we have such a good case. Now we have also presented a lot of new things to the Board. We have received more money in recent weeks, which we think should be crucial, ”he tells the newspaper.

The reason why Östersund was not granted an elite license by the licensing committee was because the club was not judged to be able to implement the next year's season in a reliable way financially.

On Wednesday, the Board of Appeal met in Stockholm, with ÖFK's CEO Lennart Ivarsson and attorney Tom Pripp (also an adjunct board member of the association) present.

At 11 am today the decision is announced.

- We have looked at what the licensing board has said and step by step clarified those things. Many of these things we have already solved, says Niclas Lidström.

In the event of a new negative message for Östersund, there is the possibility of applying to have the case tried in the third and highest instance, the Riksidrottsnämnden.

Forcibly degraded ÖFK will instead be playing in the super league next year, while the all Swedish place goes to Brage.