Jump Men's World Cup Ryoyu Kobayashi Reversal Second Win Dec. 23 1:37

Ski Jump Men's World Cup was held in Switzerland on the 22nd, and Ryoyu Kobayashi, who is aiming for the second consecutive title, has won his second win of the season.

Kobayashi won his first overall victory last season in Japan last season, and this season his first victory on the 15th of this month.

The competition, which took place in Engelberg, Switzerland on the 22nd, was contested by a 140-meter large hill, and Kobayashi flew 132 meters 50 for the first time to finish seventh, 4.6 points behind the top.

In the second race, he increased his flight distance to 134 meters from a strong takeoff, bringing the total to 272.0, a 8.9 point difference in second place.

Among other Japanese players, Keiichi Sato was in 21st place and Yuken Iwasa was in 23rd place.

In addition, Takeuchi was ranked 50th without moving to the top 30 players for the second time, Shohei Tochimoto was 51st, and Kenshiro Ito was 55th.