Her eyes were long and dark as she rose from the snow, where she hit her head quite hard. Svahn walked right past the mixed zone but then stopped at SVT Sport and told about the event.

- I don't actually know what happened, we were a few who got together and if it hadn't happened I would have been better than six anyway. I was in a good position after the bridge and felt strong, says a disappointed Svahn who did not want to point out Nilsson for the case.

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See the Swedes hook into each other

She impressed all day until the case put spikes in the wheel.

- If I am selected for the team sprint, I will feel a huge loss of revenge. The evening is long, Svahn thinks.

It was a "race incident" and things that happen in close sprint races.

- Oh, we will be top three, I thought, very sad for her, says Nilsson about the incident.