According to the newspaper Dagbladet, there are very high levels of fluorochemicals in the ground at these facilities and ski tracks. The chemicals can be absorbed by animals and transported further up the food chain to humans, for example by eating fish, game and drinking water.

-These substances have been shown to have effects on the hormone system, which can lead to cancer and imbalance in many of the body's systems, Norwegian researcher Randi Grønnestad told Dagbladet.

-It can be problematic if these substances stay in the wild because you can't get rid of them. The more you use them, the higher the levels will be, says Randi Grønnestad.

Similar results to those found by the researchers in Dagbladet's review, the researcher Anna Kärrman from Örebro University has also obtained in her studies.

The International Ski Federation has banned fluorovalla for the next season and has stated three reasons for this - that whalers and skiers should not breathe dangerous vapors from the whorls, that the whorls are very expensive and for environmental reasons.

ARCHIVE: Johaug superior in Lillehammer (December 7)

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Therese Johaug in front of happy home fans in Lillehammer. Photo: Photo Agency