Tsunami Democràtic announced on Friday, in a statement released on social networks, a "mobilization day" on December 18 on the occasion of the Spanish football classic between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid , which will be played that day in the Camp Nou

In a brief statement, the platform "invites citizens to reserve the date" of December 18 and " come to the city of Barcelona ", while asking to "confirm attendance" through an application.

Then ask " partners or fans with the ticket for the match" to send an internal message of conformation through the application of Tsunami Democràtic and finally says: "On 18, we will play the classic all ".

On November 21, this platform released another statement in which it demanded that Barcelona allow the display of a banner with the slogan " Spain, sit and talk " (Spain, sit and talk ") during the classic.

In a statement, Tsunami asked both Barcelona and Madrid to "get involved" to make "political abnormality" evident during the game . Shortly after, however, he said that he did not propose "the display of a banner, but to make evident, in the stands of the countryside, the situation of exceptionality" that Catalonia is experiencing.

The Tsunami Democràtic platform has organized some of the most frequent protests after the "procés " ruling . The classic had to have been played initially on October 26, but was postponed to December 18 to avoid problems with the acts of protest convened following the ruling.

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