- When I go in I immediately feel that something is not right, says Klingberg about the knock in November 2018.

Soon the doctor was able to give Klingberg a soothing message and today the 28-year-old striker is back in the national team, the accident he does not think of at all.

- No, had I done that I would not have been the same hockey player as I was before, he tells SVT Sport.

- I don't think about it, I just drive out there.

Should do the hard work

Klingberg was on the ice during Three Kronor's loss match against the Czech Republic, as well as Johan Garpenlöv's first match as the league captain.

- It's fun to be back in the national team, I feel I know what to do to contribute.

And what is that?

- A bit of the hard work, be hard to play against, maybe make the opposing team hate me a little ...