"I don't know exactly what is going to happen today in my country, in Catalonia. How incredible and peaceful they are marching through Catalonia to Barcelona to support the politicians and activists imprisoned for more than a year. If people were not convinced millions and millions of people from all the cities of Catalonia would not leave to give their support. The statement I made was to ask them to sit down and talk. The international community must help us to resolve the conflict between Catalonia and Spain. Someone, a mediator of outside, you must help us to sit down and talk. I have personal friends who are going to spend nine years in jail for voting. For asking to vote. And there are millions of people who will peacefully support these people. Europe must step forward and help us to resolve this conflict. "

Another press conference and another political meeting of Pep Guardiola who, in the previous meeting between his team, Manchester City, and Crystal Palace, spoke again about the situation in Catalonia than football. The coach was questioned for his role in the conflict, for the UK's position on it and even for the postponement of the classic. On this he commented: "I do not think about it because I have no idea why it has been done, for that you have to ask Thebes, the Spanish Football Federation or the Government. If it happens it is because they are worried about something, right? ? But honestly I have no idea why. "

"I think that more personalities should be involved [in the conflict in Catalonia], but normally everyone looks for their own situations and they prefer not to get too involved in this kind of issues. The thing is that we need Europe to solve this conflict, I think that We are at a time when people in Spain and Catalonia do not trust each other very much. That’s why I asked to sit down and talk, I think we human beings have that ability for dialogue. I will always read manifests or do what they ask me if that serves to defend human rights, either here, in Alsasua, in Madrid. Whatever the problem you can count on me if it is to defend human rights. I will fight racism, discrimination, equality and rights among men and women, no matter where or when, "added the coach who was much shorter when asked about football.

After losing two games and drawing another, Manchester City is eight points behind the Premier's leader, Liverpool, which has a full victory. "Every situation and every season is different, that's the past and now we have to focus on playing better and winning games," Guardiola said.

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Know more

  • Catalonia
  • Pep Guardiola
  • Alsasua
  • Premier League

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