Simone Biles is the big star of gymnastics right now. In boom, her 18th World Cup gold came into her career after an almost flawless series where she got 15,066 points.

Biles had to get past Chinese Liu Tingting, who had impressed with a series where she got 8,233 in execution at the difficult 6,200, a total of 14,443.

Then she got on the boom and delivered a series that with the difficulty of 6,400 was the most difficult in the final. But despite the difficulty, she made no big mistakes, and got 8,666 points for her execution.

- That was one of her most relaxed bomb series I've seen her do, says Veronica Wagner.

For Liu Tingting, who had a heavy team competition for China, it was silver. And on the podium she was joined by her compatriot Li Shijia who received 14,300 points despite a deduction of 0.1.