Dwyer won Olympic gold in team races both in London 2012 and in Rio de Janeiro 2016. In Brazil he also received an individual bronze. He was tested positive on three occasions at the end of last year and was suspended just before Christmas. The shutdown meant that Dwyer is not available for the Tokyo Olympics this summer.

Dwyer received microdoses of testosterone in small capsules inserted into the hip.

"It was honest intentions that ended unhappily," says Dwyer, who says he received the advice from his own doctor and health adviser when he felt tired and hungry for the Rio Olympics. According to Dwyer, he was assured by his doctor that the treatment was authorized by the United States Olympic Committee.

- Without that insurance, I would never have agreed to this type of medical treatment, says Dwyer according to AP.

Got shortened verdict by a three-man jury

A three-judge jury sentenced him to 20 months of suspension, a much shorter sentence than usual, depending on the particular circumstances.

- No matter what the jury had found out, I had decided to quit swimming and devote myself to other professional interests, says Dwyer.

The US Anti-Doping Agency, Usada, states that there is advice on preparations and treatments but that this option was not used.

"It is frustrating that Dwyer did not make use of our help and hopefully this case can convince others to do so to maintain a fair and healthy sport for everyone active," says Usada boss Travis Tygart.