We all tend to suspect that there is a certain hypocrisy in the player who claims to dream as a child of playing in the team in which he is presented at that moment. If the club in particular is of universal fame, the declaration of love, although opportunistic, may be plausible. But if the team is only a regional or neighborhood glory, the thing scales a lot: imagine a boy from Copacabana or Rostov stating that he already dreamed of playing in Ponferradina as a child.

When he introduced Gareth Bale , Real Madrid exhibited some photographs in which the Welshman, of child age, appeared dressed in the team's shirt. It was a way of proving that, for once, we were really facing a football player who had dreamed it as a child. Already on another occasion, here, I gave an advice to parents who have a child looking like going to break a crack : take pictures with the 10 or 12 shirts of the main teams in Europe, it is not known who will have had to Dream the child in the future. As the shirts are rudely expensive, I recommend taking photographs in the testers of a department store, ensuring that the anti-theft device does not appear.

In the presentations, the phrase we refer to is usually accompanied by oculos on the shield and other sentimental profusions. Obviously, it is about getting the crowd to recognize the newcomer as soon as one of their own, matched in deep love for a club that was only born far away in space because of a biological accident. Another issue is that these things force the infantilism of the stands, for which the sentimental is so important. When signing a foreign soccer player who does not know the city, the only thing that can be demanded is professionalism and commitment. The kisses on the shield are of an insufferable demagogy, especially if they come from a guy who would never have kissed anything if he didn't close a contract for several million euros first. After that, the kiss to the shield can already be even with tongue, clitoral.

There is an alternative attitude to this one that I like best: that of the soccer player - or the coach - that seeks to precipitate the connection with the stands demonstrating sharing, not a love, but a hate. Imagine, for example, a Uruguayan soccer player presented by Atleti to take the microphone and, just when everyone present expected to hear him say the phrase / cliché, he said: "I as a child already dreamed of hating Real Madrid." Sudden idol And apply the same to any team that has an intimate enemy as part of their identity. It may seem unintelligent that the player closes the door of the club he declares to hate, but we belong to a culture that admires the fact of putting the ships through, when not burning them.

This last option has been chosen by Maradona to connect even more with the La Plata Gymnastics stand in his last and already eccentric experience as a coach. The arrival of Maradona to La Plata has been, as is customary with him, a pure spread in which his histrionic show and the superstitious halo, as of thaumaturgical appearance, which still remains in certain areas are mixed. As spherical as it is again, he is received as a Buddhist miracle worker passed through the brave codes of the town. It is still an antidote against the modernity Disney football and its gañote VIP bracelets.

Maradona started with Gymnastics losing against Racing, Workshops and River. But this weekend, he finally hunted a 2-4 victory at the Godoy Cruz stadium. He celebrated it by practicing an incredible dance in the locker room: this is how a man who cannot move dances, it is almost an eyelid dance. In the subsequent press conference, which was played with a Bolivarian cap, Maradona spent his first minutes as a winner with gymnastics to throw pullas at Estudiantes, the historical adversary. Why kiss the shield itself, integrating one by throwing pellets at the enemy.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • football
  • Gareth Bale
  • Real Madrid

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