Detroit's season premiere at home corn began with the newly retired Niklas Kronwall, who was in attendance, celebrated by the Red Wings crowd.

Initially, however, it did not look like Detroit's day. The team fell 2-0 in the first period rest after goals by Dallas Roope Hintz and Tyler Seguin.

But with barely a minute played by the second period came the first goal from goalie Anthony Mantha. He then fixed both 2-2 and 3-2 to Detroit before Dallas could sign off through Roope Hintz assisted by Mattias Janmark.

"Was surprised yourself"

Mantha then also put the match decision 4-3 with less than a minute left of regular playing time.

- I was surprised myself, Mantha answered the question of whether his four goals were part of the team's promised surprises for the season.

Of the four, it was above all the other goal that stood out. The big forward went past Dallas' defense and then poked the puck behind Anton Khudobin in Dallas goal.

"If I go hard against the net, not many defenders can stop me, which is bigger than me," said a confident Mantha.