Pierre-Louis Basse, former sports journalist and writer, evokes emotionally at the microphone of Europe 1 the disappearance of his friend and partner Eugene Saccomano.


Former sports journalist and writer Pierre-Louis Basse told Europe 1 on Monday about the friendship he had with Eugene Saccomano, who died on Monday at the age of 83. "We have worked together for many, many years," he said Monday with emotion. "It's more than a traveling companion, I was happy to see him twice, first, this summer, I saw him again on Sunday, and it was a way of to say goodbye to him, he was no longer with us, he is a character on the radio and a profession that is evolving but who is definitely going to take a shot, it was not just a handsome man on the air and a voice, he was also a man of rigor and passion for literature, and I think that's what brought us together for years, and we covered three or four World Cups together, and several Olympic Games."

"Europe 1 was his house, he loved it"

"Europe 1 was his house, he loved it," continued Pierre-Louis Basse. "It allowed me to fly when I joined sports at Europe 1. It allowed me to be free.The listeners are not crazy about Europe 1, which is a radio of invention, he was a man who, both through passion and comedy, could be very dramatic in his voice, but he was also a man of rigor and had a great passion for his job. He had learned the fundamentals in Marseille, and remember that it was he who wrote Bandits in Marseilles who was adapted to the cinema by Jacques Deray, who made Borsalino , which was not nothing Sacco ".