He also says he felt a pressure from outside when he came to the World Cup as a big favorite of the gold.

- The goal before the World Cup was to make it to the final and then I fulfilled the goal of becoming a world champion. It's really fun. It's been tough press at the same time and I've handled it well with my psychologist, he says.

How has it been since you became the world champion?

- There has been a lot of media and a lot of resurrection. It's just fun. I have not slept so much so now it is nice to land in Sweden.

And to land here and see the family and friends?

- It was security. Fun to meet family, family and friends. Now I will relax and take it easy. I have not planned anything, says Ståhl.


Daniel Ståhl. Photo: Photo Agency


Daniel Ståhl's mother after the son's gold. Photo: SVT