• Assembly.Bartomeu reiterates Barça's political commitment

There were no surprises. The assembly of Barça committees ratified by a very large majority the agreement taken last February by the board of directors to withdraw the medals awarded to Francisco Franco in 1951, 1971 and 1974.

Of the 701 committees present at the time at the assembly, 671 were in favor, two did so and seven chose to vote blank. Shortly before the vote, in the turn of interventions, one of the compromisarios affected the directive that the term "dictator" not be used to refer to Franco, another, among applause, mentioned the nine arrested by the process and Carles Puigdemont , another regretted that the resolution has come so late and another, finally, rescued the controversy over the late withdrawal, last year, of the new shield vote, without acronyms.

In the opinion of this last compromisario, this fact connected with the change of acronyms that took place during the Franco regime (for a time, the shield wore the acronym C of F Barcelona instead of FC Barcelona) and even advanced its intention to claim the resignation of Josep Maria Bartomeu . Something that, in this case, was received by a loud whistle.

"They are right, we also think that it has taken a long time. In 2003, with Laporta , we did review and we did not find documentation of the club referring to these medals. Last year they asked me to review the issue and we did manage to find the relevant documentation "explained the president of Barcelona. "This is a tribute to the parents and grandparents who suffered the dictatorship," Bartomeu said.

The compromisarios, on the other hand, voted massively in favor of the economic closing numbers of last season, with revenues of 990 million euros and after-tax benefits of 11 million euros , as well as the budget for the current campaign , estimated at 1,047 million and a record in the sports field.

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  • FC Barcelona
  • First division

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