Boca Juniors striker Ramón 'Wanchope' Ábila said, after River Plate's 2-0 victory over Xeneize on Tuesday for the first leg of the Copa Libertadores semifinals, that the arbitration "influenced the outcome." "Obviously it influences the result. They charge a penalty that nobody claims, he goes and checks it. It is seen that they are on credit on the phone because they always call from the VAR. Change the sequence and predispose you in another way," Ábila said at a press conference.

The Millionaire won with goals from Colombian Rafael Santos Borré (penalty) at 7 minutes and Ignacio Fernández, at 70. "It was a rare game, difficult to analyze. We started with the penalty and that doubt that we knew that they, both (Rafael) Borré , and (Nicolás) De la Cruz and (Exequiel) Palacios are trained to simulate those faults and coincidentally today they did not protest the penalty and they gave it the same.All the phases they had a criminal and today back, "he added.

For Ábila, Boca made "a correct match" and remarked that they could have achieved equality at the end of the first half. "We know that we have to work to reverse this. We knew how to handle the game and we had our situations. We have the hope and hope to do everything to reverse the result," he concluded.

The return will be on Tuesday October 22 in the Bombonera and the winner will face the Guild or Flamengo in the final.

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