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Manchester United "categorically" condemned racist insults against Paul Pogba on social media after failing a penalty Monday against Wolverhampton (1-1). "Everyone at Manchester United is outraged by the racist insults against Paul Pogba last night and we categorically condemn them," the Red Devils said Tuesday in a statement.

The French world champion is the third player in England to receive racist insults last week on social media for failing a penalty after Chelsea's young English attacker Tammy Abraham and Ivorian Yakou Meite , who plays in the English second division with the Reading

In addition, United announced that it will undertake an investigation to know the identity of the users who made the insults. "We will work to identify the few involved in these incidents and we will take the strongest type of action available to us . We also encourage social media companies to act in these cases," Manchester United said in a statement. The English club reaffirmed its "zero tolerance" with any form of "racism or discrimination." "The individuals who expressed these opinions do not represent the values ​​of our great club. It is encouraging to see most of our fans condemn the insults on social networks," he added.

Peer support

Pogba received support from fellow Marcus Rashford on Monday: "Manchester United is a family. Paul Pogba is a huge part of this family. If you attack him, you attack us all," he tweeted. "Disgusting. Social networks have to do something about it," said the stellar signing of Old Trafford, the central Harry Maguire .

An opinion shared by the Kick It Out association, which fights against racism in English football: "The number of publications of the same nature since the beginning of the season shows to what extent discriminatory statements on the net are out of control," The organization regretted this Tuesday. "Without immediate action and the strongest possible, these cowardly acts will continue to multiply," he warned.

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  • sports
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  • Manchester United
  • Paul Pogba
  • Premier League

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