Medinah outside Chicago in the United States is classic land. The course has hosted five major competitions on the PGA Tour and the best score has been 65 strokes. Tonight Justin Thomas went out and struck out with a 61st, eleven strokes under par.

"My game has felt good lately and you never know when such a round will come," Thomas said after the round.

Last race before the Tour Championship

Justin Thomas could hardly have started the night's round better. After five holes, the American lay on five wonders and it was clear that Thomas had begun a special round. At six, however, the 26-year-old made bogey but it played less role in the end. In the second nine, Thomas had two eagles, the other a real piece of art. On the 16th hole, a pair of four, from just over 165 meters, Thomas hit the green without being able to see the hole. But the audience roared gossip about what had just happened. The ball took a bounce and then rolled into the cup for the American's second eagle for the round.

"In the past weeks we have talked about having a good round in me and it is always nice when it happens," said the leader after the round.

Justin Thomas leads at Medinah with six strokes down to second Tony Finau and the game promises well ahead of the season finale, the Tour Championship, on East Lake outside Atlanta.