The captain of the XV of France Guilhem Guirado called Friday his teammates not to take "lightly" the last meeting of November against Fiji, Saturday, given the "slaps and slaps" recently received by the Blues .

You said on Sunday that for a short time you thought of giving up the captaincy after the defeat against South Africa (29-26). Are you worn out?

This is especially in relation to this end of the game. Above all, it was déjà vu. I had the impression that we had not learned the necessary lessons or lessons. It had especially annoyed me about certain choices (late in the game, Ed). After each game there is a questioning. Last Sunday, after the victory (against Argentina, 28-13), I said to myself + did you do everything well, could you have done more +? Yes, I could have done more. It is in this perspective that I prepare myself. There are more doubts when you lose, and so, but from Monday (after South Africa), I can reassure you, as soon as I put the jersey with the cock on the heart, I I leaned towards the game after.

Did the coach send a strong signal about the importance of this match by extending the same team?

It just makes sense. If it's making changes to please, I do not see the point. It has often been said that we have to build. The best construction is to renew (a team) who has shown beautiful things. There is a lot of work, we are not fooled. There are no players who think they have arrived. We know we have to go farther and grow as a team.

From where it comes from, the XV of France can not afford to make a complex of superiority ...

Of course. We can not pretend we are going to play the same match as against Argentina . Where we did not manage to finish shots that seemed very easy. We respect the Fijians, we know them more than everyone because we have a lot in our championship. We know their ability to be dangerous. We will remain humble, we know where we come from. We took slaps and slaps in the mouth, so I do not think we can relax and take a game lightly. A small grain of sand can stop the machine, and today the team of France does not have the maturity and experience to pretend to take this game lightly.

The last match of France against Fiji, in November 2014 in Marseille (40-15), is it a good memory?

Yes. It was my first tenure while Benjamin (Kayser) and Dimitri (Szarzewski), his two competitors were available. Because in Australia (in the previous June, when Guirado had asserted itself as titular), they were not. I have a good start to the season with Toulon, where I say to myself + maybe you have your chance in France team, try to grab +. I had a lot of fun on these three games. It was (against Fiji) a pivotal match. And in 2010, I know my first tenure against Fiji (34-12 in November in Nantes). There, I surprise you I think (laughs) [...] So this match (Saturday) has a sentimental value. Anyway when I'm about to play a game, I still have a lot of memories that remind me of my career. I use it everyday. All matches have a special flavor. I have a lot of memory.