Alivereti Raka, the talented winger of Fijian origins who defends the colors of ASM in Top 14 should according to Rugbyrama, receive his French passport on December 8th. The doors of the XV of France could thus open for him before the next Tournament of 6 Nations which will take place in February of the new year.

The winger and real man plus Jaunards, had not been retained in the group of XV of France for the test-matches of November, following the decision of the president of the French Federation of Rugby, Bernard Laporte. The latter defines as mandatory the fact of being a holder of French nationality in order to claim to join the Blues. Rugbyrama informs us that this request for nationalization, undertaken many months ago, should end in early December, for Alivereti Raka.

A serious contender for the third curtain of the XV of France

He should therefore claim a place on the French team at the next 6 Nations Tournament and enter the race for the 2019 World Cup in Japan, with other players like Yoann Huget, Benjamin Fall, Maxime Médard , Teddy Thomas, or his teammate Clermont, Damian Penaud.

# TOP14
During the J4 of this season 2017-2018, the @ ASMOfficiel decides to pack the game and Alivereti Raka enters the track to eliminate all the Brive defense with an exceptional slalom!

- TOP 14 Rugby (@ top14rugby) June 19, 2018