The players of the French football team will be present on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, Monday, July 16, the day after their victory against Croatia in the final of the World Cup in Russia.

The French team, which won Sunday the World Cup football, will descend the Champs-Elysees Monday around 17 pm, before being received by the President of the Republic at the Elysee Palace, announced Sunday the prefecture police station.

"Nearly 2,000 staff will be mobilized to secure the event" on the Champs-Elysees, said the police headquarters, which "prepared a specific device to ensure the general security of the event, prevent unrest in the public order and prevent overflows " .

The plane of the team of France is expected Monday at 15:55 at Roissy airport, said Sunday the French Football Federation (FFF).

20 years after the Zidane gang

The Avenue des Champs-Elysées, where converge Parisians to celebrate the victory of the Blues, is, just like the Eiffel Tower, located close to the emblem of Paris, a must for tourists but also a place of celebration and popular gathering.

Sunday, July 12, 1998, "the most beautiful avenue in the world" , his nickname, had been invaded by more than a million people came to celebrate the first French title of world champion of football. The band Zidane had just beat Brazil by 3 goals to 0, the stadium of France.

The next day, the world champions had gone up the avenue in a double-decker bus but, because of the crowd, he had not managed to go up to its expected end, the Arc de Triomphe.

On Monday, the Blues will descend the prestigious avenue from the Etoile plateau to the roundabout of the Champs-Elysées.

Traffic blocked

Traffic bans will be implemented Monday in this sector from 08:00, before being gradually expanded throughout the day.

"From 3:00 pm, or earlier if circumstances require it, all traffic will be impossible inside a perimeter delimited by the following routes: Place de la Madeleine, rue Duphot, rue Saint-Honoré, rue des Pyramides Avenue General Lemonnier, Royal Bridge, Quai Anatole France, Quai d'Orsay, Alexandre III bridge , " said the prefecture police in a statement.

"The use of smoke, fireworks, glass bottles or the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in the area of ​​the Champs-Elysees and bags or bulky objects not recommended," said the PP. It also recommends to bring bottles of water, because of the hot weather expected Monday.