Since the opening of the ticket office for the 2019 World Cup that will take place in France from June 7 to July 7, 45,000 packs, or 150,000 tickets have been sold for the event announced Fifa.

A few months before the opening of the Women's World Cup, the box office is in full swing. The competition, which will take place in nine different stadiums (Rennes, Le Havre, Nice, Valenciennes, Reims, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier and Paris), sees the French and American public already present, since 43% of sales come from these two countries.

Read too. The 2019 Women's World Cup Ticket Shop open to the general public

All packs including the semi-finals (July 2 and 3) and the final (July 7) in Lyon have found takers, or 69,000 tickets.

Rennes (10,000), Paris (18,000) or Valenciennes (22,000) are experiencing a real craze around this event which will see the 24 best nations compete for a month. A craze that should still grow when the detailed calendar will be unveiled at the end of the draw which will take place on December 8 in Boulogne-Billancourt.

Already 150,000 tickets sold for @ FIFAWWC # FIFAWWC #DareToShine and #LeMomentDeBriller

- in French (@fifacom_fr) November 8, 2018