She had not played at the last World Cup, the hub of Metz, Astride N'Gouan, finally plays at Euro 2018.

"I had the impression of being an adventurer of Koh Lanta," laughed gold medal around the neck, Astride N'Gouan after the last World. Why ? Because she was called on stage, before being removed from the selection and recalled in the course of world ... and not to play, finally. "I had a very special adventure. And since I was fucking everyone at the time with the show, it made me think of that. " Koh Lanta, it's over for Astride N'Gouan. The neo-Messina plays. Finally ! Laurisa Landre on the sidelines, she is the number 2 option at the pivot post behind Beatrice Edwige. The ex-Brestoise does not have the standard template of the pivot, from the top of his meter four came six. She has adapted to it, with time. "When I started, I wanted to play like all the other pivots, except that I do not have the same morphology as they do. At one point, I realized that I had to play with my size, my power. The power of Astride N'Gouan, the Blue will need tonight to meet the physical challenge that will offer the Montenegrins. "I played in club (Metz met Podgorica in the Champions League) , it will have to be aggressive, impact them". The Montenegrin hand is very physical. But it's destabilizing especially. And always at the limit. "It's hard to win at home, but here in France, I hope referees will pay attention to what they do." Astride N'Gouan knows, tonight she will take shots. Blows not beautiful. Yes, there are different ways to play handball. And Montenegro is a bit of the antithesis of the fluid Norway. It will keep calm. "I'm pivot, and with them, inside, you get blows. Badly placed shots, and they know how to do it because they are sanctioned very rarely. Astride N'Gouan prefers to smile. "Me, with my size, if I put the same blows, I see myself. So I'm going to put little blows without showing me , "she laughs. In defense, it will monitor Jaukovic. "She is powerful, plays well with the pivot, manages to overflow. She's shooting from a distance. It must really impact because if it is allowed to play ... " In attack, it will deceive, Rajcic, former keeper of Metz who knows the Blue by heart. "It will be necessary to wait a little more during our shots, not to fall into our preferential shots, because she knows them".