“Let the whole world watch the confrontation between Medvedeva and Zagitova. I’ll be this cat in the middle, enjoying every second, ”the athlete wrote in her Twitter, attaching a gif-animation to the recording, where two cats try to divide a piece of meat, and the third one eats the same piece between them.

Let’s watch the world between Medvedeva and Zagitova. Me? I'll be that middle cat enjoying every second pic.twitter.com/RG6KrSk5kv

- Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (@TuktikLiza) October 30, 2018

Tuktamysheva became the winner of the Grand Prix in Canada, Medvedeva took third place.

Earlier, the honorary president of the Federation of figure skating appreciated the victory of Tuktamysheva at the Grand Prix stage.