Barcelona's Lionel Messi is the best player in the world, but he has warned that Barça is not just Messi, because the team has 10 strong players who can win the matches.

"Tonight's match will be the strongest test for Messi's side, who face a rival that is no different as one of the top five teams in the world and provides an honorable picture of the legacy of the club, Lever ".

The burning night's position requires Club to put all the experience of the years to overthrow the Catalan team and pass to the final and win the title absent from the coffers of "Ridz" since 2005.

And certainly the club puts as a few points that have been tested by other teams and succeeded in their success in overcoming Barcelona:

- The "strangulation" of Busquets: Spanish midfielder Sergio Busquets is the lung from which Barcelona breathes, and if the Liber managed to monitor and put an end to the danger, the performance of the Blaugrana will be affected significantly, and this is what Manchester United in the quarter-finals, and succeeded to a large extent To neutralize the player and force him to make mistakes and get the yellow card until almost expelled.

In the second leg, however, the ring did not dominate Busquets - which coach Valverde sent off last week in preparation for tonight's match - and gave a better match and financed the midfield and the attackers with more passes and contributed to the team's win in three clean.

- Narrowing the spaces: The teams playing with Barcelona in a way to narrow the space and density of the numerical defense receives less goals, and this method also lead to shortening the areas of preparation and payment to Barca on the outskirts of the penalty area, and this area that is the source of danger Messi.

In order to prove the success of the plan to Al-Barsa, the latter lost four games this season, three of which his opponent played with a numerical increase in the defense and three players in the heart of the defense.

The two backers are known to have exaggerated offensive tendencies and always leave empty spaces behind when they play a 4-3-3 plan.

For example, in the loss of Barça to Real Betis at the Nou Camp this season, the Andalucian side scored three out of four goals for the visitors. The goal was the right back, which left large areas behind.

The two backers who are supposed to play tonight - Jordi Alba and Nelson Simedo - are more than duped by Barcelona defenders in the continental competition this season.

- Early registration: Messi put the base to Barcelona before the first leg against Liverpool, and said after the match against Manchester United in the quarterfinals of the final: "We are not supposed to play the same level we showed in the first ten minutes."

England international Marcos Rushford was close to scoring in the first 60 seconds, but failed and then won the Barça, the latter usually late to enter the atmosphere of the game.

- Fixed balls: Barcelona are a weak team in the penalty shootout and defense is making fatal mistakes especially in corner kicks, and with a giant and goals like Dutch defender Virgil Van Dick, things will get harder for Gerard Pique and Clement Lengle.

For example, earlier this season, Atletico Madrid's Diego Costa managed to overtake Ravenna and score a header in the 1-1 draw in November.

Points may be obvious to many of the football followers, but always to the green rectangle another view.