The revolution from IFAB

In Glasgow, an event took place that for most fans went unnoticed - Annual business meeting of the International Football Association Council. Meanwhile, the event dealt with a possible change in the rules of the game.

Since the XIX century, the IFAB has been involved in maintaining and regulating the rules of football, and it meets annually for possible changes to the existing regulations.

This time, the council members agreed on a whole series of reforms that could be adopted at the annual IFAB general meeting in March.

First of all, the rules for breaking through a penalty shootout can change drastically. If now the teams execute them alternately, then in the case of the introduction of new rules, the opponents will approach the “point” on the ABBA system. That is, the first team will break through once, and the second after two at once.

In addition, the IFAB members intend to make life easier for goalkeepers in repelling shots from the “point”. The point is that at the moment of impact, goalkeepers will be allowed to be on the “ribbon” with only one foot, and not two as now.

Disciplinary measures were also discussed at the meeting, in particular the introduction of cards for teams for “inappropriate behavior of officials.”

Finally, the IFAB is going to start a serious struggle with time dragging in the end games. It’s no secret that now the last-minute coaches of the teams leading in the long run often organize special replacements that take place as long as possible, and the players on the far flank are leaving the field.

If the new rules are adopted, it will be impossible to do so. A substitute footballer will have to leave the pitch via the nearest side or front line.

The final decision on possible changes in the rules of football will be made at the annual general meeting of the IFAB, which will be held on March 2, 2019. In case of adoption of innovations, they will come into force on June 1.

According to the rules of the organization, in order to make changes, three-quarters of the board members must vote for them, which includes representatives of four British football associations (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) as the founders of football, as well as representatives of FIFA.

At the same time, the international federation has four votes in the IFAB, and representatives of these national federations only one by one. Thus, two FIFA voices are necessary for making any decision, but an organization cannot “push through” a certain verdict.

Despite the fact that the IFAB is a fairly conservative organization that is extremely reluctant to resort to changing the rules of football, from time to time the council gives out revolutionary decisions. In particular, in 2012, IFAB approved the introduction of a video help system for referees (VAR).

“Goalkeepers will be able to move

RT asked to comment on possible changes of the well-known judge Andrey Butenko. The specialist supported the majority of the proposed reforms.

“Frankly speaking, even now, when replacing a football player, it is not necessary to leave the field through the sideline at the bench. He can do it anywhere. Another thing is that everyone wants to pull time. If changes are made in this part, this will certainly be a plus, ”Butenko stressed.

Approved by the judge and the proposals in the execution of a penalty.

“If the goalkeeper takes a step on impact, his foot still remains at the start. And now everyone breaks this rule. As for the change of the penalty shootout system, I like the new variant more, because it is no secret that today the team beating the first in the "lottery", as a rule, receives a psychological advantage. There is a difference. Chances are equalized, ”added Butenko.

At the same time, the judge went even further and offered to punch the usual penalties according to the rules of the post match.

“No one can finish the ball into the net. The striker himself performs the punishment. At the moment, it often happens that the goalkeeper reflects the blow, and then misses with the finish. Can you imagine what psychological advantage one team gets? Yes, and on finishing, some players, as a rule, run into the penalty area several meters before the impact. This should not be, "- said Butenko.

Finally, the referee explained the meaning of the cards for the teams for the inappropriate behavior of officials. He recalled that at the moment the judges cannot show the coaches cards, although they have the right to expel them from the field. In the event of a change of rules, mentors in this regard will be equated with their wards.

In turn, the famous goalkeeper, as well as the long-term coach of Igor Akinfeev, Vyacheslav Chanov, noted that possible innovations are guaranteed to make life easier for goalkeepers.

“They, at least, will have the opportunity to move, if they can stay on the“ ribbon ”with one foot at a penalty. Now the judge at any time can find fault and make kill. If the rule is accepted, the probability of a penalty kick by goalkeepers will increase slightly.

As for changing the order of breaking punches in the series, I do not think that this will change much. If judged from the point of view of goalkeepers, they can get a psychological advantage. For example, you take a penalty and get the opportunity at the expense of boldness to immediately reflect the second, ”said Chanov in an interview with RT.

Approved by the coach and the rule regarding substitutions. According to him, the time has come when it is worthwhile to wage an active struggle against delays.

“What a sin to conceal, in Russia, the coaches specifically change the player from the far edge in order to delay the process of his leaving the field. In this regard, everything is done for the fans. Now, the referees constantly have to push the outgoing players to the team leading in the long run, ”added Chanov.