Pro B. Bayard Argentan - Miramas, tonight (7 pm). The Ornans, who receive an opponent within their reach, want to win their first win of the season at home.

With 9 points out of 12 possible in the first 4 meetings of Pro B, the Bayard Argentan makes a start to the season more than honorable. But, with only one victory on the clock (3-1 in Metz), the cup is half full. Facing Miramas, the team that precedes the ranking, the Argentineans will do everything to win their first success in their room, after two losses that would have deserved better fate (defeats 3-2 against Nantes and Caen).

"The start of the season is very good, especially for a team that plays the maintenance. We could also be 12 points if the matches had turned in our favor, admits Cédric Demangel. Of course, the players are disappointed to lose but we have no disappointment in terms of accounting. The only one we have is that we miss victories. "

"I can not fault the guys"

For the Orist coach, the most important is that his players continue to have a good attitude and a good level of play. If so, "the victory will be more than conceivable" . He thinks he does not miss much for it to rock on the bright side: "It's played at 1 point or 2 at the right time so we can win. I do not think it's psychological, it's our sport that's like that, that's all. I can not fault the guys. "

So there is no reason for them to change their plan. "I try to reassure them. Certainly, the guys want to win because they are competitors, but the defeats are not really with the point system of the Pro B. " Still very close to success in Issy-les-Moulineaux (setback 3-2), the Argentans have delivered a big benefit allowing them to take two important points for the maintenance.

Despite a touch of frustration at their return from the Paris region, the arrival of the Provençaux, normally within their reach, must finally start at home. "Their best player, Arseniy (Gusev) has already beaten him and Vildan (Gadiev) has caught him . The other two are good players but the guys have already imposed on them, says Demangel. Trust on them, we have it. We have the opportunity to play a good game and win. "

Confidence is there, the level of play too, lacks more than this little bit of success to finally score these first 3 points at home ...

ARGENTAN: Segun Toriola (No. 52), Arseniy Gusev (No. 66), Vildan Gadiev (No. 68), Alexis Douin (No. 121). Coach: Cédric Demangel.

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