Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp, under disciplinary action by the English Federation (FA) after celebrating the winning goal against Everton (1-0) on Sunday, acknowledged Tuesday his fault ... While receiving support from his counterpart of the Toffees.

"The rules are there for that. If you break them, you have to pay, " said the German.

In the sights of the FA, his mad race to the center circle to hug his goalkeeper Alisson Becker, while Divock Origi scored in the 90th +6, the goal of the victory against the great rival of the Reds, in an Anfield in fusion.

BREAKING: Jurgen Klopp has been following the celebrations at @LFC secured at late win @Everton in yesterdays Merseyside derby!

Full story:

- Sky Sports Premier League (@SkySportsPL) December 3, 2018

" Not cool "

Klopp had apologized at the end of the match to Everton coach Marco Silva for his behavior that was "not cool" . But he does not resent him. On the contrary, Silva gave him his support, seeing no "problem" in the attitude of his counterpart.

" This is not a problem. It's part of the emotion in the game, it's a normal situation. He is celebrating, " said the Portuguese. "I do not know my reaction if we scored at that moment of the match. I do not think (he should be punished), but the FA must decide according to his rules, " he continued.