Ligue 1. Nice - Angers, tonight (7 pm). The OGCN is the only team to follow the pace of the PSG for five days, while Angers tramples.

Five matches that Nice did not lose. Five meetings that the OGCN did not take a goal. Five days that Aiglons heels Paris Saint-Germain from an accounting point of view in Ligue 1 ranking. So obviously, facing these figures, Stéphane Moulin is not fooled: " It shows us the difficulty of the task. This is another dimension that Caen. But I would say we are a little used, because every game is difficult, we saw Saturday, and it will certainly not escape the rule. "

"We do not go to just defend"

Faced with a Nice team that currently has a fairly impressive dynamic, difficult to know how to counter it. Especially since the Angevin formation remains on mixed results (2 defeats, 1 victory, 2 draws). "We're not going to put a sword of Damocles every time we go draw with us. Caen, it's over, we move on to something else, retorts Stéphane Moulin. We go to Nice to try to make a good result, to try to break their series. "

At a press conference yesterday, Angers coach seemed to have an idea behind his head. " We're not going to just defend. But also to try to score a goal. Five teams did not succeed, we will try our luck, without any complex and knowing that it is difficult there. I have no fear of our ability to annoy them. It will be necessary to be very focused, very present at the recovery of the ball and able to exploit all the situations that will come to us. But between words and deeds, the Angevins sometimes make differences, losing points on the way ...

In any case, the Sco tactician took the time to meticulously analyze his evening opponent. "Their system is very clear : 5 defenders when they do not have the ball, 3 when they have it, with two players in the hall who play a big part in the game. Three midfielders who are both workers and good guys technicians, details Stéphane Moulin. And then two attackers who are complementary. Balotelli is there to fix the game, while Saint-Maximin lights small fires everywhere. "

An implementation that is reminiscent of the Angevins, adopted since the success against Montpellier. But the coach was rather vague about his training and the eleven he will face tonight against Nice: "It is possible that there are changes. I consider that I have weapons on the side to take over if necessary. "

The Scoist did not think, however, to put on the account of tiredness the face without going displayed against the Caen: " I did not see players tired, dull or tired. It remains to be seen whether the Sco still has enough energy to garner reassuring points before the truce. A result at the Allianz Riviera would be a good start.