The former general manager of the SM Caen had chosen the Canal + show "J + 1" to speak for the first time since his departure from the Norman club this summer. The opportunity, in particular, to reaffirm its links with former President Jean-François Fortin, who "deserved another exit."

"I would have liked to finish the project we had launched at the Stade Malherbe and that Jean-François Fortin had initiated, but I could not work with these people, because they spent a lot of time criticizing our work, which was very good though. "

Xavier Gravelaine, former CEO of SM Caen (2014-2018), did not fail to slip a tackle to the new management of the Norman club, led by Gilles Sergent and a group of majority shareholders of the MSC, during his intervention media on "D + 1" this Sunday on Canal +.

The "incompatibility" between the two parties was, we know, largely reciprocal, and the "case" Gravelaine was at the heart of the dissensions that led to the change of power at the end of spring.

"That I come out the back door did not bother me ..."

"These shareholders have decided to take a path, I wish them to do as well, to become great leaders ," continued Gravelaine, " I was linked to Jean-François Fortin, his friendship is worth all the gold in the world, and never I could not have gone on without him. "

Xavier Gravelaine was replaced this summer by the former CEO of Le Havre, Arnaud Tanguy, after an amicable separation procedure.

Since then, Gravelaine has "taken a vacation, retreat" and remains "for the moment" resident of Caen, open "to take on new challenges.That I go out the back door did not bother me , did he concluded, but this man (Fortin) deserved, and still deserves, a tribute he did not have, and his output was the hardest to swallow. "