The vice-president of the FFR, Serge Simon, would have a remuneration higher than the legal ceiling. His annual emoluments amount to € 123,267.

The compensation of Serge Simon, vice-president of the French Federation, exceeds the legal ceiling for a public utility association.

The No. 2 Federation, right arm of President Bernard Laporte, receives annually 123,267 euros gross, including a benefit in kind - a company car - valued at 4,827 euros, while the ceiling is 118,440 euros, according to the document sent to the French clubs for the general and financial general meeting of the Federation Saturday in Agen.

The treasurer of the FFR Alexandre Martinez recognized " a problem " according to him to " a mistake services ", including human resources: the benefit in kind in question would not have been included in the first pay received by Simon in 2017 after the election of Laporte at the head of the Federation. " The services were not familiar with this management of benefits in kind, " said Martinez.

The latter will submit on Saturday to the votes of the clubs a net result in deficit of 7.35 million euros, linked according to the team of Laporte " to the exceptional events " which the Federation had to face in 2017-2018: the stop of the project of the Grand Stade, the organization of the U-20 World Cup, the investment to obtain the organization of the 2023 World Cup and the dismissal of ex-coach Guy Novès.

Despite this deficit, the auditor will certify without reservation the accounts at the next financial general meeting, according to the FFR, which said "proud of these accounts" in a communication to the clubs.