Seven skippers, including François Gabart and Kito de Pavant, will speak this Wednesday 31 on rescue at sea and explain how they intend to support SOS Mediterranean and more particularly the lifeguards of Aquarius and SNSM.

Seven skippers, competitors of the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, will provide support to the SOS Mediterranean association that helps rescue sailors from Aquarius. The skippers will speak this Wednesday 31st.

François Gabart, Kito de Pavant

SOS Méditerranée is supported by François Gabart, Ultimate category, member of the SOS Méditerranée support committee, Isabelle Joschke, IMOCA category, Romain Pilliard, Ultimate category, Thibaut Vauchel Camus, Multi 50 category, Kito de Pavant, Class40 category, Alexia Barrier, IMOCA category, Luke Berry, Class40 category. The skippers will be accompanied by three lifeguards of Aquarius: Theo, lifeguard on the Aquarius and lifeguard SNSM on the Route du Rhum - Destination Guadeloupe, Antoine, lifeguard and Tugdual, marine-lifeguard.

Call for donations

In a statement Sos Méditerranée recalls that "For four years, more than 15,000 men, women and children have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to cross on makeshift boats. SOS Méditerranée is a European citizens' association which charters Aquarius to help those who flee. In two and a half years, 29,523 people have been rescued, 23% of whom are minors. Every day at sea costs 11,000 euros: 93% of our budget comes from private donations .