Ahmed Sbai

Many are the great players who have passed the history of football and deserve the title of "best player in history", beginning with the Brazilian jewel Pele and Argentine maestro Diego Maradona to this day, some of them look at the Argentine star Lionel Messi as the best player in history, while others see that Don Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo "the best touch of the charming round".

However, the latter is making strides on the great footballers on their way to becoming the "best in history". In this report, we will attempt to summarize the Don's preference by three factors:

1. Ronaldo's best-known rivals, such as Pele, Messi and Maradona, have achieved many individual and collective titles, but the preference for the "Madeira" missile is that he has emerged in the two most important European championships - the Premiership and the Liga - , Leading the league's top scorer with 14 goals.

At the age of 33, Ronaldo won everything the player could dream of. He won five golds, the Premier League and the Champions League with Manchester United and repeated this achievement with Real Madrid.

He was also decisive in winning three successive titles in the continental competition, a feat not preceded by any player in history.

2 - It is said that there is a big difference between a good player and another big, the good players are playing well with one team, the great player is to help any team join him to achieve titles, Ronaldo proved to be a good player and great at the same time.

Valdun has been successful at the club and team level and helped lead the latter to his first continental titles by winning the 2016 European Cup of Nations, and also the top scorer of the historic Brazil of Europe.

Messi, on the other hand, has to offer good levels for his country, or his leadership to win any continental or international title. As well as Maradona, as he was active with the tango team, but with the teams the addition was only made with Napoli, while Pele did not play outside South America.

Juventus usually have a consistent level with the teams they play and with their team. Maradona and Pele won the World Cup, and Ronaldo failed. The answer is that the Portugal squad does not have players of the quality of the Sampa and Tango teams when Pele and Maradona played for them. Since "one hand does not clap," it is very difficult for a single player to lead his country to win the Golden Cup.

3 - Ronaldo is the most active player in the game. He is a "live scoring machine" with 586 goals.

Among his rivals, Pele alone scored more than him, but the Brazilian legend did not play in the Champions League, where the "Don" to be the top scorer with 121 goals.

He has not only won the title five times, but has been crowned the top scorer in the last four seasons in a row.